[书]PERFORM-3D原理与实例 – 第17章 – 结构整体动力弹塑性分析与抗震性能评估 (Chapter 17: Dynamic elasto-plastic analysis and seismic performance evaluation of the whole structure)

[书] PERFORM-3D原理与实例 – 第17章 – 结构整体动力弹塑性分析与抗震性能评估

[Book] PERFORM-3D Theory and Tutorials – Chapter 17 – Dynamic elasto-plastic analysis and seismic performance evaluation of the whole structure

  • 章节内容简介 [ Chapter Content Abstract ]


图 17‑1 算例首层平面布置图(单位:mm)

算例结构的首层平面布置如图 17‑1所示,其余楼层结构布置详模型。算例结构为钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构,共17层,其中首层高度4m,其余楼层高度3.5m,结构总高度为60m。



结构建模时将次梁折算成恒荷载,楼面附加均布恒荷载为3.5kN/m2,楼面均布活荷载为3.0 kN/m2,框架梁上线荷载为7kN/m。修正后基本风压0.35kN/m2,地面粗糙度类别为B类,风载体型系数取1.3。

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[02] [Book][PERFORM-3D Theory and Tutorials — Table of Contents] [目录英文版]

[03] [Book][PERFORM-3D Theory and Tutorials – Foreword ] [前言英文版]

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[20] [书]PERFORM-3D 原理与实例 – 第 17章 – 结构整体动力弹塑性分析与抗震性能评估 ( PERFORM-3D Theory and Tutorials – Chapter 17: Dynamic elasto-plastic analysis and seismic performance evaluation of the whole structure)

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1 thought on “[书]PERFORM-3D原理与实例 – 第17章 – 结构整体动力弹塑性分析与抗震性能评估 (Chapter 17: Dynamic elasto-plastic analysis and seismic performance evaluation of the whole structure)

  1. 田娜 Reply


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