[论文][Paper] 回字形平面超限高层结构抗风设计研究


小伙伴 黄元根 负责的项目,与其他项目相比,回字形平面风荷载具有一定的特殊性,相关项目可以参考。



【英文题目】 Research on wind-resistant design of highrise structures with rectangular-ambulatory plane 
【作者】 黄元根,陈晓航,周 定,蒋 珂,崔济东 
【英文作者】 HUANG Yuangen, CHEN Xiaohang, ZHOU Ding, JIANG Ke, CUI Jidong 
【单位】  广州容柏生建筑结构设计事务所(普通合伙)

(RBS Architecture Engineer Design Associate,Guangzhou 510170,China)

【中文摘要】 以湛江某 178m 超高层回字形剪力墙结构为例,基于风洞试验结果分析屋顶中空多个临风面以及中部内压对结构影响,同时重点阐述超高层回字形平面弱轴变形协同机制及其对结构构件设计影响。考虑到结构弱轴抗侧刚度由风荷载控制,先通过平面切分后的隔离体模型对比各区域间整体抗侧刚度强弱程度,然后针对区域间水平/竖向变形差的变形协调机理进行重点剖析,最后根据构件内力结果给出设计建议。结果表明,设计时不可忽略中空内压及屋顶多个临风面对结构所产生的不利影响;楼板设计时,加强薄弱区域剪切验算以及楼板风荷载组合工况验算。

Taking the example of a 178m high-rise shear-wall structure with rectangular-ambulatory plane in Zhanjiang, this study analyses the impact of multiple windward surfaces and internal pressure on the structure based on wind tunnel test results.At the same time, this paper focuses on elaborating the collaborative mechanism of plane deformation in super high-rise buildings with rectangular-ambulatory plane. The lateral stiffness of the structure in the weak axis is controlled by wind loads. Firstly, the comparison of lateral stiffness between isolated models of the divided planes is conducted to determine the strength difference. Then, the mechanism of coordination between horizontal/vertical deformation differences caused by lateral stiffness variation is analyzed. Finally, design recommendations are provided based on the internal force results of the components.The results indicate that the adverse effects of hollow internal pressure and multiple windward surfaces on the roof cannot be ignored in the design process; When designing the floor slab, strengthen the shear verification of weak areas and the verification of wind load combination conditions on the floor slab.

【中文关键词】 回字形平面;超高层;抗风设计;剪力墙结构
【Keywords】 rectangular-ambulatory plane; super high-rise building; wind-resistant design; shear-wall structure
【期刊栏目】 2024年工程结构抗震技术交流会论文集 (第二册)

下载 (download):回字形平面超限高层结构抗风设计研究.pdf

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