[软件][编程] NMDOF v2024: A Tool for Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Analysis of Shear-Type MDOF System (多自由度剪切层模型系统动力非线性时程分析工具 v2024)


  • 程序图标 ( Program Icon )

  • 程序介绍 ( Program Introduction)

NMDOF 是一个基于微软的windows窗口程序,用于多自由度剪切层模型系统的地震动力非线性分析。

结构可是弹性也可以是弹塑性,支持的材料模型包括:线弹性材料模型、二折线随动强化模型 及Bouc Wen模型


软件提供的阻尼模型包括 模态阻尼 、瑞利阻尼 及 剪切层阻尼模型

新版软件支持设置 金属阻尼器,金属阻尼器的数量无限制





NMDOF is a Microsoft-based Windows program for seismic dynamic nonlinear analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom Shear-Type systems.

The structure can be elastic or elastoplastic. The supported material models include Linear Elastic Model, General Bilinear Model and Nonlinear WEN Model.

The program solves incremental nonlinear equations of motion using the Newmark-β stepwise integration method.

The damping models provided by the software include Modal Damping, Rayleigh Damping and Damping Matrix construct by assembling damping coefficients.

The software calculates and displays the mode shapes of the structure.

The software can output various time history response results of the structure, including displacement, velocity, acceleration, various energy consumption time history, etc. At the same time, the software can output various maximum floor response, including story displacement, story velocity, story acceleration and story shear force.

The software can display the modal shape animation and time-deformation animation of the structure.

The software provides a variety of commonly used seismic acceleration time history format templates, which is convenient for users to quickly import the seismic acceleration time history and form their own seismic acceleration record database.

  • 数据说明 ( Data Results File )



THAcc.txt: 各质点各时刻的相对加速度结果 ( Relative acceleration results for each mass at each time step)

THAccAbs.txt: 各质点各时刻的绝对加速度结果 ( Absolute acceleration results for each mass at each time step)

THAccg.txt: 地面加速度时程 (Ground acceleration time history)

THDisp.txt: 各质点各时刻的相对位移结果 ( Relative displacement results for each mass at each time step)

THVel.txt: 各质点各时刻的相对速度结果( Relative velocityresults for each mass at each time step)

THED.txt: 结构各时刻的阻尼耗能(瑞丽阻尼或模态阻尼)( Damping energy dissipation of the structure at each time step)

THEin.txt: 地震输入能量时程 ( Seismic Input Energy Time History)

THEK.txt: 结构各时刻的动能 ( The kinetic energy of the structure at each time step)

THEP.txt: 结构各时刻的塑性耗能 ( The Plastic energy dissipation of the structure at each time step)

THES.txt: 结构各时刻的弹性应变能 ( The elastic strain energy of the structure at each time step)

THIterNum.txt: 各积分步的迭代次数 (The number of iterations for each integration step)

THStoryForce.txt: 各楼层各时刻的恢复力 ( Floor Resilience at each time step)

THTime.txt: 时间历程 ( Time step list)

// 2024版本进一步增加了以下结果的输出

THESStory.txt:结构各层各时刻的弹性应变能 ( The elastic strain energy of story at each time step)

THEPStory.txt:结构各层各时刻的塑性耗能 ( The plastic energy of story at each time step)

THEKStory.txt:结构各层各时刻的动能 ( The kinetic energy of story at each time step)


THDamperDisp.txt:各金属阻尼器各时刻的变形 ( displacement of each dampers  at each time step)

THDamperForce.txt:各金属阻尼器各时刻的内力 ( force of each dampers at each time step)

  • 材料参数定义说明 ( Material Data Input Format )



(1)线弹性材料,代号E,输入方式: E 245000000,参数245000000 是 刚度。

(2)二折线随动强化材料,代号BL,输入方式:BL 245000000 1225000 0,参数依次是:刚度、屈服强度、强化系数。

(3) Bouc-Wen模型,代号BW ,输入方式:BW 24500000 1225000 0 0,参数依次是:刚度、屈服强度、刚度强化系数、指数。


1 BL 5000000 40000 0

2 BL 5000000 40000 0

3 BL 5000000 40000 0

上面例子表示的是,再 1/2/3层同时设置一个BL类型的阻尼器。

  • 程序算例 ( Program Examples)

[01] [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例1 —— 单自由度体系(WEN模型)非线性动力时程分析 [Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Analysis of Single Degree of Freedom System (WEN Model)]

[02] [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例2 ——两自由度简化隔震结构体系(WEN模型)非线性动力时程分析 [Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Analysis of Two Degrees of Freedom Simplified Isolation Structural System (WEN Model)]

[03] [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例3 ——剪切层模型动力时程分析 (剪切阻尼模型) [Dynamic time history analysis of a shear-type MDOF system (with shear type damping maxtrix)]

[04] [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例4 ——剪切层模型动力时程分析 (无阻尼) [Dynamic time history analysis of a shear-type MDOF system (with no damping)]

[05] [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例5 ——剪切层模型动力时程分析 (模态阻尼) [Dynamic time history analysis of a shear-type MDOF system (with Modal Damping)]

[06] [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例6 —— 设置金属阻尼器结构动力时程分析 [Dynamic time history analysis of structures with metal dampers]


  • 程序界面 ( Program Interface )


  • 视频演示 ( Program Videos )
  • 下载 ( Download )

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[67] [软件][动力学][Dynamics] NSDOF算例1——单自由度体系弹性动力时程分析

[68] [软件][动力学][Dynamics] NSDOF算例2——单自由度体系非线性动力时程分析

[69] [软件][动力学][Dynamics] NSDOF算例3——非线性粘滞阻尼单自由度体系动力时程分析

[70] [软件][动力学][Dynamics] NSDOF算例4——摩擦阻尼单自由度体系动力时程分析

[71] [软件][动力学][Dynamics] NSDOF算例5——非线性粘滞阻尼器+材料非线性 单自由度体系动力时程分析

[72] [软件][动力学][Dynamics] NSDOF算例6——设置黏弹性阻尼器单自由度体系动力时程分析

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[79] [软件][数学][地震动] FPSA: Fourier and Power Spectra Analysis [地震波频谱分析工具]

[80] [动力学][地震工程] 一个有趣的问题: SPECTR中的Newmark-Beta法计算反应谱发散?

[81] [结构设计][动力学] YJK中CQC振型组合地震力的复核

[82] [工具][软件][地震动] AEEG: A Program for Artificial Earthquake Accelerograms Generation [人工地震波合成软件]

[83] [论文][Paper] 基于目标谱匹配法的地震波选波系统研制 (Development of seismic wave selection system based on target spectrum matching method)

[84] [动力学][地震动] SPECTR与SeismoSignal反应谱计算有差异?

[85] [软件][动力学][编程] NMDOF v2022: A Tool for Dynamic Analysis of Nonlinear Shear-Type MDOF System (多自由度剪切层模型系统动力非线性分析工具 v2022)

[86] [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例1 —— 单自由度体系(WEN模型)非线性动力时程分析 [Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Analysis of Single Degree of Freedom System (WEN Model)]

[87] [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例2 ——两自由度简化隔震结构体系(WEN模型)非线性动力时程分析 [Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Analysis of Two Degrees of Freedom Simplified Isolation Structural System (WEN Model)]

[88] [软件][更新][Dynamics] NSDOF v2022: A Tool for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of SDOF System (NSDOF单自由度系统动力非线性分析工具 v2022)

[89] [软件][地震动] GMP v2022: A tool for Calculating Ground Motion Parameters for Seismic Analysis of Structures [结构抗震分析地震动强度指标/地震动参数计算工具]

[90] [科研][工具][地震动] RSF Response Spectrum Fitting v2022: 反应谱拟合及反应谱特征参数提取工具 [RSF: A tool for fitting response spectrum and extracting response spectrum parameters]

[91] [抗震][动力学] 软件是如何计算偶然偏心地震作用的? (How does the program calculate the accidental eccentric earthquake action?)

[92] [软件][地震动] AEEG人工地震波合成 —— 案例1(拟合自定义反应谱)

[93] [软件][地震动] AEEG人工地震波合成 —— 案例2(如何提高人工波拟合精度)

[94] [Tool][Seismic Design] GDRSC: A Tool to Generate Design Response Spectral Curve for ASCE 7-16 [ASCE 7-16 美规设计反应谱曲线生成器]

[95]. [软件][地震工程][科研][更新] IRSA 2022: Inelastic Response Spectra Analysis Program (弹塑性反应谱及单自由度非线性地震分析工具)

[96]. [软件][地震工程] IRSA 案例1 —— 等延性反应谱分析算例 ( Constant Ductility Response Spectra Analysis Examples of IRSA)

[97]. [软件][地震工程] IRSA 案例2——单自由度非线性地震分析算例 ( Inelastic SDOF Earthquake Analysis Examples of IRSA)

[98]. [软件][地震工程] IRSA 案例3 – 等屈服强度系数延性需求谱分析算例 ( Equal yield strength coefficient Ductility Demand Response Spectra Analysis Examples of IRSA)

[99]. [软件][地震工程] IRSA 案例4 – 等延性需求谱算例验证 ( Verification Examples of Constant Ductility Demand Spectrum for IRSA )

[100]. [软件][地震工程] IRSA 案例5——地震波能量谱分析 ( Seismic Wave Energy Spectrum Analysis Examples of IRSA)

[101]. [软件][地震工程] IRSA 案例6——地震波基线修正 ( Seismic Wave Baseline Correction Examples of IRSA)

[102]. [地震工程][动力学] 地震作用下结构的能量分析 [Energy analysis of structures under earthquake]

[103]. [动力学][地震工程][工具] SDOF_FRE: Dynamic response analysis of SDOF system using frequency domain analysis method [单自由度体系动力响应的频域分析工具]

[104]. [编程][软件][地震动] PulsePeriodExtrat: A tool for extracting the pulse period of near field vibration velocity [近场地震动速度脉冲周期提取工具]

[105]. [视频][Video] FPSA: Fourier and Power Spectra Analysis Batch Analysis Video [FPSA频谱分析工具批量分析录屏]

[106]. [程序][Web开发] 国标反应谱计算工具 网络版 [Chinese Design Code Response Spectrum Curve Generator —— Online version]

[107]. [地震动][研究][软件] RSFS: Response Spectra and Fourier Spectra [反应谱及傅里叶谱对比分析工具]

[108]. [软件][地震动] GMRS_Scale: Ground Motion Response Spectrum Scaling Tool [地震波&反应谱缩放工具]

[109]. [动力学][振动控制][编程] SDOF_FRE 案例1 —— 动力时程响应分析 [SDOF_FRE Example 1: Dynamic Force Time History Analysis]

[110]. [动力学][振动控制][软件] SDOF_FRE 案例 2 —— 地震时程响应分析 [SDOF_FRE Example 2: Earthquake Time History Analysis]

[111]. [编程][动力学][软件] SDOF_RUNGE: RUNGE-KUTTA Method for Dynamic Analysis OF SDOF Structures [单自由度结构动力分析-龙格-库塔法]

[112]. [地震工程][笔记] 近断层速度脉冲型地震动(单向脉冲&双向脉冲) [Near-fault pulse-like ground motion (one-way pulse & two-way pulse)]

[112]. [软件][地震动][编程] GM_Truncation: A Program for truncating ground motion records [地震波截断工具]

[113]. [软件][编程][地震动] NFAGM: Near‐Field Artificial Ground Motions Generation Program [近场脉冲型地震动人工合成程序]

[114]. [软件][编程][地震动] NFAGM近场脉冲型地震动人工合成程序 案例1—— 单向脉冲波生成 (永久地面位移现象)

[115]. [软件][编程][地震动] NFAGM近场脉冲型地震动人工合成程序 案例2—— 正弦脉冲波生成与拟合

[116]. [编程][软件] PDDVA: Parameter design of dynamic vibration absorber [PDDVA: 动力吸振器参数设计软件]

[117]. [编程][研究][软件] 一种摩擦型阻尼器滞回本构开发 (狗骨形滞回)[Hysteretic Constitutive Development of a Friction Damper (Dog Bone Hysteresis)]

[118]. [软件][动力学][Dynamics] NSDOF算例7——设置狗骨式滞回摩擦阻尼器单自由度体系动力时程分析 [Dynamic time history analysis of a single degree of freedom system with dog bone type hysteretic friction damper]

[119]. [软件][编程][动力学] NSDOF v2023: A Tool for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of SDOF System (NSDOF单自由度系统动力非线性分析工具 v2023)

[120]. [软件][地震动][更新] GMP v2023: A tool for Calculating Ground Motion Parameters for Seismic Analysis of Structures [结构抗震分析地震动强度指标/地震动参数计算工具]

[121]. [软件][地震动] AEEG人工地震波合成 —— 案例3(拟合自定义反应谱)

[122]. [软件][编程][研究] CASD: Calculate Average and Standard Deviation Curves [平均与标准偏差谱曲线计算工具]

[123]. [获奖][研究] “细腰型平面结构设计方法与关键技术研究” 获广东省工程勘察设计行业协会科学技术奖

[124]. [软件][编程][地震动] NFAGM近场脉冲型地震动人工合成程序 案例3—— 多峰值速度脉冲波

[125]. [动力学][结构] 大震弹塑性顶点位移时程为何”不收敛”?

[126]. [振动控制] 质量阻尼器分类 [Passive, semi-active, active and hybrid mass dampers]

[127]. [地震工程] 功率谱系列2(一): 设计反应谱及其功率谱 (Design response spectrum and its power spectrum)

[128]. [软件][编程] NMDOF v2023: A Tool for Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Analysis of Shear-Type MDOF System (多自由度剪切层模型系统动力非线性时程分析工具 v2023)

[129]. [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例3 ——剪切层模型动力时程分析 (剪切阻尼模型) [Dynamic time history analysis of a shear-type MDOF system (with shear type damping maxtrix)]

[130]. [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例4 ——剪切层模型动力时程分析 (无阻尼) [Dynamic time history analysis of a shear-type MDOF system (with no damping)]

[131]. [动力学][软件] NMDOF算例5 ——剪切层模型动力时程分析 (模态阻尼) [Dynamic time history analysis of a shear-type MDOF system (with Modal Damping)]

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