[工具][软件]OSFSV v2021: OpenSees Fiber Section Viewer [OpenSees纤维截面可视化工具]



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  • 程序介绍 ( Program Introduction)

OpenSees纤维截面可视化工具 (OpenSees Fiber Section Viewer)。程序基本功能是,解析OpenSees的.tcl文件,提取其中的纤维截面,显示具体的纤维截面剖分情况。OpenSees Fiber Section Viewer is a visualization program for fiber secion in OpenSees.

编写这个程序的主要目的是,由于很多.tcl文件编写时,纤维截面的定义采用的是 OpenSees 提供的path和layer命令,这些命令容易编写却不方便查看,难以检查具体的纤维截面剖分是否正确。尤其是在阅读别人编写的 .tcl 文件时,由于编写命令的习惯不同,更加难以检查 纤维截面的定义是否合理。因此,如果有一个程序能将OpenSees的fiber、path和layer命令解析出来,并形成纤维图形直观显示,将大大提高初学者阅读和检查.tcl文件的效率,本博文提供的这个小程序很好的解决了这个问题。The main purpose of writing this program is that when many .tcl files are written, the definition of fiber cross-section uses the path and layer commands provided by OpenSees. These commands are easy to write but inconvenient to view, and it is difficult to check whether the specific fiber cross-section is correct. . Especially when reading .tcl files written by others, it is more difficult to check whether the definition of fiber cross-section is reasonable due to the different habit of writing commands. Therefore, if there is a program that can parse the fiber, path and layer commands of OpenSees and form a visual display of fiber graphics, it will greatly improve the efficiency of beginners reading and checking .tcl files. This small program provided in this blog post is very good. solved this problem.

  • 程序更新 ( Program Update)




(2)修正了旧版软件部分截面提示“sqrt: DOMAIN error”错误无法进行截面显示的问题




  • OpenSees中的纤维截面命令 ( Fiber Section Command in OpenSees )

OpenSees中的纤维截面如下所示,摘自 http://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/index.php/Fiber_Section

This commnand allows the user to construct a FiberSection object. Each FiberSection object is composed of Fibers, with each fiber containing a UniaxialMaterial, an area and a location (y,z). The command to generate FiberSection object contains in { } the commands to generate all the fibers in the object. To construct a FiberSection and populate it, the following command is used:

section Fiber $secTag <-GJ $GJ> {


$secTag      unique tag among sections
$GJ              linear-elastic torsional stiffness assigned to the section (optional, default = no torsional stiffness)
fiber…        command to generate a single fiber
patch…       command to generate a number of fibers over a geometric cross-section
layer…        command to generate a row of fibers along a geometric-arc


The command to generate a FiberSection contains in { } the commands to generate all the fibers in the section.
The patch and layer commands can be used to generate multiple fibers in a single command.
In an element recorder you can ask a FiberSection for its ‘deformations’, ‘forces’, ‘forceAndDeformation’, ‘fiber $fiberNum $matArg1 ..’, ‘fiber $yLoc $zLoc $matTag $matArg1 ‘

——— from http://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/index.php/Fiber_Section

纤维截面的定义主要有三个命令: fiber, path和layer。OpenSees纤维截面可视化工具可支持对这三种命令进行解析。

fiber 命令:

patch 命令:

layer 命令:

  • 程序展示 ( Program Gallery)

Fiber Section Reinforced Concrete Section – Rectangular Symmetric Section, Confined Concrete Core

Fiber Section AISC Standard W Section

Fiber Section Reinforced Concrete Hollow Section

Fiber Section 工字钢

Fiber Section Reinforced Concrete Section – Circular Section

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461 thoughts on “[工具][软件]OSFSV v2021: OpenSees Fiber Section Viewer [OpenSees纤维截面可视化工具]

  1. 李魁 Reply


  2. WuNanhao Reply


  3. 权昊轩 Reply


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