OpenSees RambergOsgoodSteel Material Test
关于 RambergOsgoodSteel Material 材料的信息参考 RambergOsgoodSteel Material。这里也顺便测试一下。
实干、实践、积累、思考、创新! Tag: 结构工程博士 结构工程师 程序员 结构抗震设计 振动控制 光伏支架 加固改造 软件研发 编程 弹塑性 有限元 超高层 超限设计
关于 RambergOsgoodSteel Material 材料的信息参考 RambergOsgoodSteel Material。这里也顺便测试一下。
Steel02 Material Test of OpenSees.Steel02材料是单轴各向同性强化的Giuffre-Menegotto-Pinto钢材本构。Steel02是OpenSees中十分强大的一个单轴钢筋材料。通过设置其参数可以调整出多种意想不到的效果。
OpenSees Steel01 Material Test. Steel01是OpenSees中最简单的单轴钢筋材料,骨架曲线为二折线,默认为随动强化,可以考虑分别考虑拉压方向的各向同性强化。(Steel01 a uniaxial bilinear steel material object with kinematic hardening and optional isotropic hardening described by a non-linear evolution equation. )
3D Truss by MATLAB用MATLAB实现3D桁架静力分析。
A discussion of two methods of conducting low-frequency cyclic test modeling in PERFORM-3D。关于PERFORM-3D中低周往复试验模拟的两种方法的探讨。
针对PERFORM-3D软件的圆形柱纤维截面剖分小工具。程序通过导入文本参数(.csv),直接生成纤维截面的参数,并导出PERFORM-3D需要的二进制文件(.PF3CMP)。This program is used for the data input of the “Inelastic Fiber Column Section” in PERFORM-3D. Through the import of section properties in text format (.csv), the program can generate the fiber section properties automatically. And then, the program export the binary data input file (.PF3CMP) for “Inelastic Fiber Column Section” which PERFORM-3D can then read to complete the fiber section definition. This program will definitely save you time on the input of the structural fibers.
针对PERFORM-3D软件的箱形柱纤维截面剖分小工具。程序通过导入文本参数(.csv),直接生成纤维截面的参数,并导出PERFORM-3D需要的二进制文件(.PF3CMP)。Through the import of section properties in text format (.csv), the program can generate the fiber section properties automatically. And then, the program export the binary data input file (.PF3CMP) for “Inelastic Fiber Column Section” which PERFORM-3D can then read to complete the fiber section definition.
针对PERFORM-3D软件的RC剪力墙纤维截面剖分小工具。程序通过导入文本参数(.csv),直接生成纤维截面的参数,并导出PERFORM-3D需要的二进制文件(.PF3CMP)。This program is used for the data input of the “Inelastic Fiber Shear Wall Section” in PERFORM-3D. Through the import of section properties in text format (.csv), the program can generate the fiber section properties automatically. And then, the program export the binary data input file (.PF3CMP) for “Inelastic Fiber Shear Wall Section” which PERFORM-3D can then read to complete the fiber section definition.
针对PERFORM-3D软件的RC矩形柱纤维截面剖分小工具。程序通过导入文本参数(.csv),直接生成纤维截面的参数,并导出PERFORM-3D需要的二进制文件(.PF3CMP)。Through the import of section properties in text format (.csv), the program can generate the fiber section properties automatically. And then, the program export the binary data input file (.PF3CMP) for “Inelastic Fiber Column Section” which PERFORM-3D can then read to complete the fiber section definition.
针对PERFORM-3D软件的RC矩形梁纤维截面剖分小工具。程序通过导入文本参数(.csv),直接生成纤维截面的参数,并导出PERFORM-3D需要的二进制文件(.PF3CMP)。然后通过PERFORM-3D导入.PF3CMP文件完成繁琐的纤维截面输入工作,节省你的时间。This program is used for the data input of the “Inelastic Fiber Beam Section” in PERFORM-3D.
PERFORM-3D前处理功能不够人性化,通常建一个模型需要花费大量的时间和精力,非常不利于工程应用。为此,我们充分利用了ETABS、YJK、AUTOCAD、PERFORM3D等常用软件的优点,编制了符合工程师习惯的PERFORM-3D前处理软件 — YTP,大大提高了我们的工作效率。
分享一个小程序,该程序是之前我在上结构动力学课的时候编制的。程序主要用于进行剪切形框架结构(即,糖葫芦串模型)的模态分析。可以使用该程序求解动力学课本后面的习题。阵型求解使用雅克比迭代法。This program is developed by me in the Structure Dynamics class. It is for modal analysis of shear building (i.e. , flexurally rigid floor beams and slabs ) with lumped mass at each floor.You can use the program to explore eigenvalue problems on you textbook and improve your understanding on free vibration. The program use Jcaobi method for the solution of eigenvalues.
分享一个小程序,该程序用于计算瑞利阻尼系数。软件是免费的。如果你发现软件有bug或者软件使用有问题,请联系我!邮箱 A small program to share with you. The program is for Rayleigh Damping Coefficients Calculation.This app is free . If you have found any bug in the program or have any problem when using the program, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. Email :
最简单的单轴本构,理性弹塑性单轴滞回本构(Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Uniaxial Material )。
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